7 Best Ways to Deal with a Weed Hangover

A weed hangover can happen if consumers of recreational or medical cannabis ingest more weed than usual or choose a strain with a particularly high THC content. Just like with the consumption of alcohol, a weed hangover can be an unwelcome (albeit temporary) consequence of a big night.

Luckily, for people who enjoy consuming cannabis, weed hangovers don't typically last long and are usually less severe than hangovers after drinking alcohol. Knowing the signs to look out for and becoming accustomed to your body’s response to cannabis over time will help you determine whether you’re experiencing a marijuana hangover or an adverse reaction to weed.

What Are the Most Common Weed Hangover Symptoms?

Though a marijuana hangover might cause adverse symptoms, weed hangovers are generally milder and more tolerable than alcohol hangovers because they don't cause dehydration. A study into the after-effects of THC consumption showed no negative next-day effects in terms of cognitive performance. Consuming cannabis also affects people in different ways, and some consumers may feel the lingering after-effects of ingesting, vaping, or smoking cannabis differently from others.

Common symptoms of a weed hangover include:

  • Fatigue or lethargy

  • Brain fog

  • Dry eyes and mouth

  • Headaches

  • Mild nausea

Because your body's reaction to a new strain, higher THC content, or a new consumption method can be unpredictable, mild symptoms that are different from those on our list don't necessarily indicate an adverse reaction. If you experience any other symptoms, keep an eye on your condition and seek medical advice if your symptoms worsen.

How to Treat Marijuana Hangovers

Just like with the overconsumption of alcohol, cannabis hangover symptoms will generally go away on their own with time. Unfortunately, there isn't a quick fix if you wake up with a hangover after smoking marijuana. However, taking the following steps may give you some relief and help to speed up the recovery process:

  1. Stay hydrated. This doesn't only mean the morning after; it's very important to drink enough water before, during, and after a session of marijuana smoking. Apart from being generally necessary for good health, it can help to prevent or relieve symptoms such as headaches, dry mouth, and dry eyes.

  2. Eat a healthy breakfast. Just like with an alcohol hangover, eating a nutritious breakfast is important for relieving cannabis hangovers. Whole-grain carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can help you feel better after a heavy night.

  3. Take a shower. Showers are always refreshing, and even more so after a big night. A shower will help you feel clean, fresh, and hydrated and the steam may help to open your airways.

  4. Drink some ginger tea. Ginger has long been known to help with digestive issues and nausea. Use a ginger tea bag or add grated ginger to hot water with honey and lemon to soothe an upset stomach.

  5. Try CBD. Some people report that CBD products can help to cancel out some of the negative effects of THC. If you’re experiencing a weed hangover, take a CBD tincture or gummy and avoid products that contain THC.

  6. Take painkillers. If you have a persistent headache after consuming weed, an over-the-counter painkiller should provide some relief.

  7. Take it easy. After a good night's sleep, take it easy the next day and you should soon start to feel better.

Bonus tip: Some people find that going out and getting some fresh air and light exercise can help with a weed hangover. If you live in a coastal city like Seattle, why not go for a walk along the coast, or even dip your feet in the sea for an invigorating boost? 

How Do I Know if It’s a Weed Hangover or an Adverse Reaction?

Feeling off after consuming marijuana isn't uncommon, and what you're feeling might be due to something other than a hangover. If you consume cannabis and feel unwell afterward, there could be another cause:

  • Withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana users who consume weed on a regular basis can experience marijuana withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can include mood changes, insomnia, and difficulty focusing. If you think you may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms, it may be worth considering a T-break to rebalance your system.

  • Lingering effects of the weed you consumed. Some weed highs last longer than others. The dose you took, concentration, and delivery method all affect how long a weed high lasts as well as your tolerance levels and the speed of your metabolism.

How to Prevent Weed Hangovers

Limiting your cannabis consumption is the best way to avoid hangovers; smoking weed is something that should be enjoyed in moderation to avoid any adverse effects. The following are generally good practices for avoiding hangovers from weed:

  • Temper the high before you go to bed. Try methods to get unhigh from cannabis before you go to bed to help prevent a hangover the next morning.

  • Choose strains with low-potency THC or products that contain more balanced levels of THC and CBD.

  • Try marijuana products that don't involve smoking, like tinctures or capsules.

  • Avoid deep inhalation practices.

  • Try to lower your weed tolerance to avoid overconsumption.

Eat Something, Drink Water, and Remember that “This Too Shall Pass”

As with any hangover, the key to preventing an unpleasant “morning after” is to avoid overconsumption and take steps to enjoy your night without ruining the next day. Knowing your limits and staying within them will help you have a pleasant experience.

If you’re particularly concerned about avoiding negative effects from cannabis consumption, try to stick to low-THC strains or try pre-dosed products like edibles or capsules to control your intake. And if you do go overboard and suffer the next day, remember that these feelings will soon pass and you’ll be back to your old self before you know it.


Oliver is a cannabis enthusiast who loves to write about medical as well as recreational topics to help patients and casual users get the most out of their experience with cannabis.


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